This workshop is inspired by Rebecca's training in "Yogic Arts," a system that blends traditional yoga with martial arts, dance arts, and Thai massage.
The workshop will commence with a detoxifying flow that combines self-massage and myofascial release techniques.
It will then proceed to explore partner and prop-based flows and assists inspired by Thai massage and Rebecca's experience as a flexibility/mobility coach.
Rebecca initially trained in Yogic Arts with its pioneer, Duncan Wong, whom she assisted all over the world. She then went on to develop her own approach, "The Art of Flexibility." This approach is influenced by her time living in Asia and her training in movement disciplines, including contortion and floor work derived from contemporary dance.
She has taught this system worldwide and has gained recognition for her adjustments and creative use of props.
This workshop is open to all levels. Online participation is best experienced with a partner, as the majority of the session will involve partner work. We highly recommend having a partner to maximise your experience during the session.