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100H Rocket Yoga Teacher Training with Leon London

The first and only 100 hour licensed Rocket®  Teacher Training in the U.K which allows the participants to earn 100 hours of credit as part of the 300 Hour Rocket & Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga School.


100h Rocket Teacher Training Syllabus


  • Learn to teach Rocket 1 and Rocket 2 classes

  • The exploration into Rocket 3 (Happy Hour!!)

  • Learn to teach Rocket 3 (Happy Hour!!)

  • Handstands and Arm- balances Workshops - breaking down the techniques and drills for arm balances, handstands and transitions

  • Learn the three faces of the practice (modification, classical and creative variation)

  • Adjusting / Assisting - Learn to effectively assist the foundational postures as well as the more advanced Asanas

  • Mat Markings - How to use mat marking as an alignment aid, tailored to your body and practice


  • History of Rocket yoga - Legacy of Larry Schultz, the lineage of Krishnamacharya and Pattabhi Jois in Ashtanga

  • Usage and meaning of Mantras - Opening chants of Ashtanga's lineages

  • Powerful and evocative mantras to incorporate into teachings

  • Introduction to the Yoga Sutras

  • Yamas and Niyamas in daily life - A guide to yoga off the mat


  • The Four purifications - we will look in detail at this powerful morning Pranayama sequence used to purify and cleanse body and mind.

  • Using the Mala beads as meditation and a Pranayama tool.

  • When and how to apply Pranayama in personal practice and teachings

  • Ashtanga Pranayama


We’ll be hosting 100h full training or 50h Part 1 and 50h Part 2 training.

100h Rocket Advanced Teacher Training Programme

Rocket 50h Part 1 TTC
4 - 9 September 2023

Rocket 50h Part 2 TTC
11 - 16 September 2023

Reading Materials

  • The Practice Manual by David Swenson*

  • The Sutras of Patanjali by Satchidananda*

  • Moola Bandha - The Master Key by Buddhanada*

  • Yoga in the kashmir Tradition by Billy Doyle

  • The Yoga Body by Mark Singleton

  • llustrated Yoga Anatomy: Key Concepts for Everydamnday by Stu Girling

    *Essential reading
    ***Pre-training Written Assignment: You need to choose a book from the required reading and write a 500-word review. To be completed 2 weeks prior to the start of the training

Example Daily Schedule

Pranayama  (30min)
Morning Practice (1.5hr) – Rocket 1 (Arms)
15min Break 
Lecture (1.5 hr)
Chart Study (30min)
Lunch Break 
Clinic / Workshop (1hr)
Lecture (30min.)
Evening Practice (1.5hr)


Both 50h training is counted towards the 50-Hour Teacher Training through the Yoga Alliance.

- 50 h Training (Part1): People with a 200h teaching certificate will receive Yoga Alliance approved training completion certificate and become Rocket Inspired Teacher.

- 100h Training (Part 1 + Part 2 together) : People with 200h teaching certificate will receive Yoga Alliance approved training completion certificate and become Rocket Teacher.

Eligibility and Prerequisite

Applicants are required to practice yoga for a minimum of 2 years. If you have not previously attended rocket yoga, you must attend at least 20 Rocket Yoga classes (10 general Rocket classes + 10 Rocket Classes with Leon London) before the training.

Students can enrol in Rocket 50h Part 2 TTC either:

- if have already attended and completed Part 1 with us

- if possess a 50h Rocket Training certificate released by licensed providers