Love every part of you - Shamanic Cacao Ceremony Online Workshop with Hamaima
Saturday, 23rd January
1:30 - 3:30 pm
A journey into the depths of your soul accelerated by the master plant teacher Cacao to help you bring back those abandoned parts of your soul and live a more empowered life.
Through Shamanic Journeying and meditation we will connect with our inner children, who represent beautiful qualities such as playfulness, joy and innocence, but also hold some of our deepest wounds. Often we detach from the parts of ourselves that hold pain, which can leave us unbalanced and fragmented.
Learn to call those fragments back by embracing and loving all of yourself. Only this is how you can transform pain and trauma into power.
Join Shamanic Practitioner Hamaima on this magical healing journey so you can lead your life with a courageous heart and share your gifts and talents with joy and confidence.