Join us for a combination of dualities as we delve deeply into the mechanics of backbending and forward folding.
Rebecca and Alex both practised and taught yoga long before they discovered contortion. After plateauing in their yoga practice and struggling from injuries, contortion taught them the importance of working on strength and technique rather than flowing mindlessly through postures.
Their experience has given them a systematic approach to flexibility training which focuses on individual alignment/anatomy, drills, repetitions, the integration of props, the importance of transitions and intelligent sequencing.
Their unique approach has had a transformational impact on both their practice and teaching and is the perfect complement to anyone who wants to advance their yoga practice in a safe and intelligent way.
This Course will cover:
Day 1 External Rotation
Spinal extension, anterior pelvic tilt & hamstring activation in half pikes (ardha uttanasana), pikes (uttanasana), turtles (kurmasana) & fireflies (titibhasana). Spinal flexion & posterior pelvic tilt in compression poses like halasana and/or karnapidasana.
External thigh bone rotations, spinal extension & anterior pelvic tilt in lotus (padmasana), lizard (utthan pristhasana), butterfly (baddha konasana) and leg behind head/back positions (eka pada sirsana, dwi pada sirsasana, buddhasana…)
Day 2 - Internal Rotation
Glute activation, hamstring engagement and hip extension in cobra (bhujangasana), bow (dhanurasana), camel (ustrasana) and wheel (urdhva dhanurasana)
Middle/upper back activation, shoulder rotation for flipped grip poses including pigeon (kapotasana), lunge (anjanesyasana) and dancer (natarajasana)
Day 3 - Pike and Hollowback
Active compression for tuck, straddle and pike press including headstand/forearm stand (shirshasana/pincha mayurasana) and handstand (adho mukha vrksasana)
The movements of the shoulders include protraction, retraction, flexion, extension, internal and external rotation. We will explore how this can be applied to entries into wheel pose (urdhva dhanurasana), hollowback wheel (alien) and hollowback forearm stand
Daily Schedule
Friday 16th
9-10.15 - Morning Practice
10.30-12:00 - Drills and skills
13:00-15:00 - Alignment/modifications/advancements and assists
15.15 - 17:00 - Building a self practice/sequencing and transitions
Saturday 17th
9-10.15 - Morning Practice
10.30-12:00 - Drills and skills
13:00-15:00 - Alignment/modifications/advancements and assists
15.15 - 18:00 - Building a self practice/sequencing and transitions
Sunday 18th
Who is it for?
Whilst this course isn’t recommended for complete beginners we aim to break down and explore how postures can be adapted for different body types. This will include how to assess and understand where your restrictions lie and how to build a practice that works for you and your body.
The only requirement is coming with an open mind and a willingness to go outside your comfort zone!